The IOTPD is the international network of organizations dedicated to offering professional dancers the resources and support they need when facing the end of their performance career and preparing to pursue a new career.
IOTPD brings together 12 organizations
with retraining/transition support:
Canada: Dancer Transition Resource Centre (DTRC) www.dtrc.ca
France: Centre National de la Danse (CND) www.cnd.fr
Germany: STIFTUNG TANZ – Transition Zentrum Deutschland www.stiftung-tanz.com
Korea: Dancer's Career Development Centre (DCDC) www.dcdcenter.or.kr
Switzerland: Danse Transition www.dance-transition.ch
Switzerland: Transition Center SSUDK www.ssudk.ch
The Netherlands: Stichting Omscholingsregeling Dansers (SOD) www.omscholingdansers.nl
United Kingdom: Dancers' Career Development (DCD) www.thedcd.org.uk
USA: Entertainment community found www.entertainmentcommunity.org
Poland: Career transition program for dancers www.imit.org.pl
Czec Republic: Dance Career Endowment Fund www.tanecnikariera.cz
Spain: Transit Danza www.transitdanza.org

Philippe Braunschweig
Founding of the IOTPD
The International Organization for the Transition of Professional Dancers was formed in 1993 in Lausanne, Switzerland at the initiative of Philippe Braunschweig.
With the same energy, discipline, dedication & ambition that characterizes dancers he initiated the Prix de Lausanne and the IOTPD. He made a significant difference for dance and dancers around the world. Our world is a better place because of his efforts.
Professional dancers play a vital role in reflecting society to itself and others. Dancers contribute economically through their work... Because society benefits from the dancers' art during their dance career and from their activities after transition, society should assist in the transition process.