Philippe Braunschweig Grant
The IOTPD is the international network of organizations dedicated to offering professional dancers the resources and support they need when facing the end of their performance career and preparing to pursue a new career.
IOTPD Philippe Braunschweig Grant
As a tribute to its founder, the International Organization for the Transition of Professional Dancers (IOTPD) has created the annual IOTPD Philippe Braunschweig Grant for retraining.
Due to the very nature of the profession many dancers have international careers. They are not bound by borders and, although transition centers may exist in the country where they have worked, some dancers may not be eligible for support when they face their professional transition. Because of their scattered careers these dancers may not meet the eligibility criteria of any one country in order to receive a retraining grant through one of the IOTPD established transition centers.
This grant is meant for professional dancers who have had an international career and who don’t qualify for support from any one of the countries where they have danced.
Up to € 5000 will be available each year.
This amount may be awarded in whole or in part depending on the need.
Grant eligibility criteria
The dancer must:
Not qualify for transition/retraining support from any one of the countries where he/she has danced
Must have performed as a dancer within the 3 years period preceding the IOTPD Philippe Braunschweig Grant deadline for which he/she is applying
Have been a professional dancer for a minimum of 8 years
Have performed professionally a minimum of 36 months during the 8-year minimum time period
Has danced in at least one of the IOTPD member countries listed below:
Canada: Dancer Transition Resource Centre (DTRC) www.dtrc.ca
France: Centre National de la Danse (CND) www.cnd.fr
Germany: STIFTUNG TANZ – Transition Zentrum Deutschland www.stiftung-tanz.com
Korea: Dancer's Career Development Centre (DCDC) www.dcdcenter.or.kr
Switzerland: Danse Transition www.dance-transition.ch
Switzerland: Transition Center SSUDK www.ssudk.ch
The Netherlands: Stichting Omscholingsregeling Dansers (SOD) www.omscholingdansers.nl
United Kingdom: Dancers' Career Development (DCD) www.thedcd.org.uk
USA: Entertainment community found www.entertainmentcommunity.org
Poland: Career transition program for dancers www.imit.org.pl
Czec Republic: Dance Career Endowment Fund www.tanecnikariera.cz
Spain: Transit Danza www.transitdanza.org
Grant application process
The application deadline is April 30th of 2025.
Applicants will be informed of IOTPD’s decision by May 31st.
The application form is available on-line.
A dancer who wishes to apply for the IOTPD Philippe Braunschweig Grant must:
• Meet the eligibility criteria
• Fill up the application form online with the requested documents attached
• Applications must be received by March 1st of every year
• Any questions regarding the application may be directed an IOTPD member country (listed above).
• The application is in English, however if a dancer has difficulty expressing themselves in English, he/she may contact one of the transition centers for assistance.
The award committee will take the following into consideration when assessing an application:
• length and significance of the dancers’ career
• viability of the proposed plan
• availability of other (local) funding options
At the end of the training the person who received a PhB Grant must send us a copy of the diploma or certificate obtained, as well as a short evaluation of the training experience.
Grant application form: